Sunday, November 30, 2008

Media and Technology

Computer technology has that contribution to media one of them is it can be the source of information all through out the world especially in terms of education because if students have their research they can easily do it and in part of teachers they can also find information through it.It can be also a source of entertainment, business and many more.

Media affects education through the different use of instructions that are being employed. Some of the instructions in media are sometimes false that can cause to some trouble and there are also instructions that are also good that can help in part of the students as of the teachers.

The powerfulness of technology of today in terms of media is stronger because it has the capability to influence people to do or to take it as their convenience. Having that internet through the different use of computers is one of examples of man's habit of today that they more often take time , chatting, browsing, researching and many more. In terms of education, the powerfulness of technology is higher and even stronger because it is one of the big help in students as well as to the teachers to get more information like having educational programs through televisions. In the part of teachers , it is one of their tools to prepare a visual aid let's say using a powerpoint presentation or having that educational program through television, it is easy for them to teach because they don't have that big burden to prepare a visual aid to their students. And in part of the students, when they are watching an educational programs they have the motivation that at the same time they learn and enjoy especially if the students are visual type.

Mediatization of the Youth. Speaker: Rev. Fr. Christian Buenafe, O' carm

Media: an avenue of dehumanization

Media is the strongest man-made force that can influence people, creating creation and it even shapes the children's minds. Now, that media is increasing through the use of different technology can dehumanize people because they more often use this as their convenience, watching television, chatting and playing in the internet is one of the example of it. In some other particular situation especially children, they are getting more lazy in doing the household chores because they rather go to watch television. Watching Tom and Jerry for example a show that can demoralize the behavior as well as the minds of those children who watched it because they may think that this would be possible to do though it's not.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Educ.11a (assignment)

First year, first section


Recommended IT supported instruction

Learning outcome

How to detect a


PowerPoint Presentation

- define propaganda
- enumerate the different devices of propaganda
- define each device of propaganda
-give examples of each devices of propaganda

Subject-verb Agreement

Overhead Projector

- familiarize each subject-verb agreement
-construct a sentence using a correct subject-verb agreement

Parts of speech

Overhead Projector

- enumerate the (8) eight parts of speech
- define each of the parts of speech
-give examples of each parts of speech

Sentence and

Sentence Fragment

LCD Projector

- give the meaning of sentence and sentence fragment
- identify sentence and sentence fragment

Idiomatic Expression

PowerPoint Presentation

- define idiomatic expression
- construct a sentence using idiomatic expression

Every Day
A Thanksgiving Day

Helen Mitchell Evans

I’m thankful for my parents
Who are so good and kind;

I’m thankful for my little friends,
They are the best you’d find.
I’m thankful for my voice
That I can raise in song;
I’m thankful that God helps me
Know the right from wrong.
I’m thankful for so many things
That I just want say;
That every day for me
Is a Thanksgiving Day.