Monday, November 17, 2008

Educ.11a (assignment)

First year, first section


Recommended IT supported instruction

Learning outcome

How to detect a


PowerPoint Presentation

- define propaganda
- enumerate the different devices of propaganda
- define each device of propaganda
-give examples of each devices of propaganda

Subject-verb Agreement

Overhead Projector

- familiarize each subject-verb agreement
-construct a sentence using a correct subject-verb agreement

Parts of speech

Overhead Projector

- enumerate the (8) eight parts of speech
- define each of the parts of speech
-give examples of each parts of speech

Sentence and

Sentence Fragment

LCD Projector

- give the meaning of sentence and sentence fragment
- identify sentence and sentence fragment

Idiomatic Expression

PowerPoint Presentation

- define idiomatic expression
- construct a sentence using idiomatic expression

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